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Why Can't We Listen?!

30th of January 2023

When I've been around Iowa for so long, there's nothing left to take pics of. It used to take my mind off of things and look at what was around me. I would take pics of things I felt were interesting. Some might remember me taking pics on the walks I would take. I haven't been on an actual walk in the longest time. I'd say it's been over 2 years. Ever since the surgery, I've been chicken shit to do so. However, why did I get to surgery? I don't know why I got the surgery. It's increased my depression drastically. Depression is laughed off by society. The suicide rate increase shows that, but society still ignores it. It isn't until someone we care about takes their own life away that we pretend to pay attention. I know people who have committed suicide, and I know people who have been affected by suicide. We don't listen to people anymore. We try to lecture them when they didn't ask for our opinion. We try to make things about ourselves all the time. We always imagine ourselves being the superhero when in reality, we cause more damage. People don't want to be lectured; they want to be heard.

I'm not trying to pretend to know all the answers. In fact, that's what led me to my depression; not knowing any of the answers. Not only that, but other people thinking that they know all the answers. Why can't we just listen for once?


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