Where It's Safe
25th of January 2023
It's in the news every day: a shooting of some type. Recently, there was a shooting in Rancho Cordova, California, another in Half Moon Bay, California, another in Monterey Park, California.
"But those are all in California. California is dangerous." So you think they only happen in one state? Here's one in Des Moines, Iowa, and another, and another. How about Baton Rouge, Louisiana? Or Abuqueque, New Mexico? Or Kansas City, Missouri? In this case, nobody has died, but 4 people were injured. Milwaukee, Wisconsin anyone?
Pick a state, any state. You'll find a shooting of some kind in a public place where they should have felt safe. They didn't walk through the door thinking that the next time they go through that door is in a body bag. So we spend a few days giving our thoughts and prayers listening to everyone reading quotes from the bible.
I've said in many posts that I don't know what the solution is. I don't think it's more guns, nor do I think it's more gun legislation. When a gas tank is flooded, adding more gas won't fix it. If the rules and regulations aren't being enforced, what good is passing more? I don't feel I know the answers, but I feel the people being interviewed on the news think they do. Where's the discussion?
Of these examples I listed above, only one happened in a home. It's becoming far too common for these shootings to happen in a public place. There's numerous examples of shootings in places of worship. People can't practice their own religion without the fear of being shot. There's a couple of incidents listed up there involved in education. One happened as school was letting out, and another happened at a non-profit organization to help troubled teens.
We shouldn't have to live in a place where every where we go, we have to worry about someone with a gun. A gun gives the weakest person the most power. I realize the need for guns. I don't realize the need for certain guns. I know there are people out there who demand to be able to buy any gun they choose because of fear of a too powerful government. I have a couple of questions to that: 1) do you know how a tank works? 2) What do you think we have right now for a government?
The first part of trying to solve a problem is identifying it. We've done that already. The second part is to figure out what's causing the problem. This is where we're stuck at. There's a bunch of finger-pointing going on, and it needs to stop. There's not enough helping hands out there with all the finger-pointing going on.
I honestly think if people didn't suck so much, there wouldn't be so many problems. However, people want to continue to suck. I know that sounds so original to say, but I find it to be true. If we spend more time listening to people instead of putting them down for something we don't agree with, I think we'd be a better society. However, we live in a time where everyone believes they're right. Our attitudes are what's killing us the most. It's not what's on TV or in the theater. It's in our hearts, and we need to rid our hearts of violence.