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What it Tells me if You Support Trump

20th of February 2020

I've been clear about not liking Trump. It's evident in past blogs. I've even explained why I don't like him. If you don't know, read this article and this article. Oh, and I can't forget about this one either. That will give you some background. WARNING: THIS ARTICLE WILL OFFEND TRUMP SUPPORTERS!! ANOTHER WARNING: I DON'T CARE!!

If you support Trump, it tells me that you're ok with him bashing veterans that have put their life on the line for this country. He has bashed a fallen soldier and the fallen soldier's family. He has dismissed anything John McCain has done during his time in Vietnam, the same war he dodged the draft. He has bashed veterans many times before and after being elected. If you disagree, explain this.

If you support Trump, you agree with the racism he has spouted over time. Many have tried to dismiss it, but it cannot be. I do try to forgive if the individual seems to have grown from it, but Trump has not grown at all. Don't believe me? Explain this. Explain this as well. And while you're at it, explain this as well. If you support Trump, you still make jokes about the disabled. Ok, most of us made jokes because we didn't understand what these disabilities were when we made the jokes. Once we found out what the disability was and it's effects on people, we never made that joke or any other joke again. At least any decent human being wouldn't. Not Trump or his supporters. They still do, and there was never an apology. Explain this.

If you support Trump, you see no problem with mocking the generation we're leaving this mess behind for. He has mocked every millennial that has ever disagreed with him. We never have given the next generation enough credit. Most see them as eating Tide Pods and doing stupid stuff to get clicks on social media. I assure you that they're doing much more. He even mocked Greta Thunberg. Explain this.

If you support Trump, you support corruption. Trust me, if Hillary was president right now, you would be reading this same article directed at her corruptions. However, she is not president. He has hidden everything from his tax returns to anything that would incriminate him in the Impeachment process. If he had nothing to hide, he would let them testify. He would even testify himself. However, the Senate put a stop to that in order to get on the good side of Trump. Explain this. If you support Trump, you support the lies he has been passing around. Weren't we taught that lying is wrong? What does he get out of it? He gets richer because that's how he has his money in the first place. Explain these (PLEASE NOTE THE 'NEXT' BUTTON ON THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE).

If you support Trump, you are misogynistic and sexist. If you're a female who supports Trump, you show no support for other women. You don't have to agree with them, but you do have to show them some decency. Trump has been accused of many different sex crimes. Many of his supporters have dismissed these accusations as trying to get money or the Democrats trying to make him look bad. Trust me that Trump doesn't need the Democrats' help to make him look bad. He does that well on his own. What kills me the most is most Trump supporters I talk to that dismiss these claims were very convinced that Michael Jackson was guilty of the crimes he was accused of. I don't know if you know this, but you can't have it both ways. Saying that as a celebrity, he can grab women by the pussy should have set every decent person off. Unfortunately, I don't see many people in America as decent anymore. Explain this.

There is nothing good about Trump. He should have been impeached. If you believe that was a fair trial, I hope when you go to trial that your trial has no witnesses or documents allowed just like this one. That is not how a trial goes. One side, the prosecution, presents facts. The other side, the defendant, presents facts to counter the presented facts by the prosecution. Did I lose you here? Do I need to draw a picture for you? Not only has Trump smeared the Constitution, but he has smeared anyone that disagrees with him. He is a liar, a racist, a sexist and a con artist.

This is just a list of what I believe you stand for when you say you stand for Trump. If you didn't believe these, you would not vote for him. If you didn't read the articles I wrote a few years back, I'll let you know now: I didn't vote for Trump. You should have gathered that by now. However, I didn't vote for Hillary either. I don't believe in voting for the lesser of 2 evils because a vote for evil is a vote for evil. It's not a Democrat thing. It's not a Republican thing. It's a Do What's Right thing. I cannot support someone whose actions destroy the planet, our relations with other countries or the nation itself.



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