Do We REALLY Remember?
11th of September 2019
NOTE: THIS ARTICLE WILL PISS YOU THE FUCK OFF!! IT'S MEANT TO MAKE YOU THINK. YOU WILL GET OFFENDED. IT'S MEANT TO DO THAT BECAUSE WHEN MOST PEOPLE ARE OFFENDED WHEN ASKED QUESTIONS, THEY KNOW THEY'RE WRONG. Today marks 18 years since the horrific 9/11 attacks. This is the time where everyone utters two words: Never forget. However, do we really remember? Let me go through many reasons why I ask this question.
The first is when 9/11 is mentioned, the focus is on New York City and the Twin Towers. There's barely, if any, mention of the Pentagon or Shanksville, Pennsylvania. There were losses in those 2 attacks as well. The plane that crashed in Shanksville involved passengers fighting the hijackers. However, that's never mentioned. While New York City did suffer lots more casualties, I feel it's disrespectful to forget about the Pentagon and Shanksville.
The second reason is everyone treats everyone worse than ever before. The day after the attacks, the United States clung together in a difficult time regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs or other differences. Now, all of those factors are what divide us. This has happened before. For some reason, there are people out there that don't believe in equality. That reason is simple: hate. People will deny that up and down, but their actions prove that hate is the reason for disgusting treatment. Look at the immigration issue. "Go back to where you came from." Hell, the President even said these words. It's no wonder this country is full of hate. Now, today, Republicans used it to their advantage to get their way. Disgusting. On a day when we're supposed to show that we are united, we show that we are more divided than ever before.
Third reason is treating those that want to find a life of happiness like animals. They are caged and kept in such despicable conditions. The response from lots of people are "they should come over here legally." Let's not forget that this country is full of immigrants. For those saying that their ancestors came here legally, are you sure? Green cards weren't a thing until 1940. Do you know what was legal before then? This country treats people with such disrespect, but yet, supposedly, they remember 9/11.
Fourth reason is placing blame rather than coming up with solutions. I go back to 9/12/01 when the country was united the strongest in history. We helped each other through that horrific tragedy. It didn't take long for someone to start pointing fingers. I can't say for sure who started it, but we need to end the finger pointing. Instead of pointing fingers, why not reach hands out to shake or hold in the name of solidarity? This country wants the conflict to be us vs. them, but it's really us vs. us. We're our own worst enemy.
I know some people don't want to accept this, but you're going to have to accept that everyone in this country should be treated equally. There is a freedom of religion and from religion. Religion is starting to sneak its ugly head into politics, and the people behind it are just as much of a terrorist as the ones that pulled off 9/11. I don't believe in God. I don't have to either because that's my right. However, I don't have the right to execute someone who does. So do you really remember 9/11? Do you treat others with the respect despite their differences from you? Do you stop those that don't treat others with respect? Do you respect the rights of others REGARDLESS of what you believe? If these questions offend you, then I don't think you do remember. On 9/12/01, we were all Americans united. Now, we're just a country in shambles both morally and physically.