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Celebrity Showdown

8th of April 2019

I've been bothered lately by how celebrities are looked at today. If a celebrity does something wrong, he or she should be held accountable for the wrong actions committed just like a normal average Joe. Lately, many celebrities have done illegal acts, and some people have sided with the celebrities in question. However, if an average Joe did the same thing, what would people think then?

One scandal involved a lot of the rich bribing and paying off administrations in colleges to get into a good school. In doing that, they screwed someone who actually has the credentials and dedication to go to those schools. I won't name any names because I may be walking a thin line here. I think you know who I'm talking about here. I've seen some people holding signs in support for these people who have been proven to commit these crimes, and that's what I don't like. Why are we praising these people still? They prevented more deserving students the opportunities to challenge themselves at a higher institution after high school. Actions like these are why high school students don't want to go to college. They pay application fees just to simply say that they would like to attend. That's wrong on so many levels.

Another incident starts out with the public feeling sympathy for the celebrity, but then everyone turns against him once some accusations come out. One celebrity was beaten while the assailants said racial and homophobic slurs. After a few weeks, stories came out that the celebrity paid the assailants to do this so he could get more advancement in his career. Everyone turned on him, and when charges were brought against him, they were later dropped. I feel the public turned on him because of his race and sexual orientation. There have been many cases where the public have still sided with a white celebrity in a similar situation. The current occupant of the White House is a prime example. He was accused of sexual harassment many times, and his supporters stuck by him. They see him as a god. I do, too: a God damn shithead.

Another case involves someone I looked up to while growing up had a sex video come out with him saying racial slurs. I was devastated. I did NOT stand by him, and I still don't. He grew up making me believe he was a real American fighting for the rights of every man. When this came out, I didn't believe that he fought for anyone but himself. I lost all respect for him. However, most of his fan base stuck with him. That showed me that they were just as racist.

We need to stop looking at celebrities as role models. They are humans just like as and should be treated the same. That goes both ways, too. If they do something good for the public, they should be commended for it. They are entitled to privacy just like us. We should not disturb them in public places for an autograph or selfie. They make mistakes as well. They need to own up to them, and when they do own up to them, they get forgiveness better. I'm not trying to say that celebrities are bad people. I'm saying that if they break a law, they need to go through the same process as I would. They need to have a fair trial like everyone is entitled to in the Constitution. However, the public needs to see them for what they are: someone who made a bad choice.

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