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I Haven't Been in a Snowball Fight Lately

20th of February 2019

I'm not sure what to say because I've just been so busy. Not just work and the gym, but stuff around the house. It's been snowing day after day, and while it's not a lot, I still have to shovel it. Otherwise, the city fines me, and they get enough of my money. It has snowed so much that I don't know where to put the snow. Some companies are taking them to snow graveyards (story here). However, I realized that I hadn't had a good snowball fight in a long time. I think I was still in school the last time I had one. The snow is plentiful, and I think it's able to be made into a snowball. It's not too hard to hurt anyone either.

Snowball fights were always fun growing up. I remember snowball fights at school and getting sent to the principal's office for it. I wasn't sure why. We didn't do it on the pavement. They still got pissed. Nowadays, I know snowball fights won't fly so well. They barely let you fart anymore.

There's nothing like getting a group of friends together to have a snowball fight. We all had a good time, and it was active. We weren't playing video games or on the phone. We made forts and everything. It was lots of strategy and physical work involved that worked every muscle. It let off a lot of stress, and it cured cabin fever. We especially couldn't wait for the mud when the snow melted. In the meantime, we're stuck with all this snow and not many places to have a good snowball fight. Would a snowball fight even fly today? So many people find something wrong with anything nowadays.

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