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Stan Lee: Simply MARVELous

13th of November 2018

I'm not the biggest comic book reader anyone has met. However, I do like to watch Superhero movies, cartoons, shows, etc. Don't get me wrong: I do read my fair share of comics. I've always been a big fan of DC Comics, but Marvel wasn't far behind by any means. I loved the X-Men. X-men is one of my favorites to watch and read. One of the creators of X-Men: Stan Lee. When I walked into work yesterday, I saw on the monitors in the lobby that Stan Lee had passed away. I didn't hear what the receptionist said as I screamed "NOOOO!!!" It was unbelievable news to me even if he was 95. To me, it doesn't matter how old someone is when he or she passes away. We still feel the shock because we've enjoyed the contributions he or she made in our lives. In addition to that, we never know what life is like without a certain person in our lives. Not only that, but we haven't thought about how life will be without being able to talk to certain people. We don't cope with loss until we've actually lose someone or something. And with a life changing event, such as death, it's hard to plan for it.

We don't know when someone is going to die. We know it's going to happen, but we aren't guaranteed tomorrow. Stan Lee lived a long life while he was here, and he has influenced many generations with his work at Marvel. He started a company, a universe if you will, that has taught us many lessons in life. While we may not have mutant powers like the X-Men, the basic message behind X-Men was being able to accept those that are different and treating people with respect. Stan Lee knew lots about life, and he showed it in his creations in comics. He helped start a genre that still lives today to the point that conventions are put on throughout the world and heavily attended. He started a phenomenon in which people could get away from everyday problems but not totally. He showed us ways to cope with situations we are presented in our every day lives.

Everyone has gone to see a Marvel movie at some point. Chances are, you've seen Stan Lee in it and not known it. He has made more cameos in movies than anyone I can think of. There might be a record for it, but I can't confirm it. Thank you, Stan Lee for the memories, and thank you for making reading fun. Excelsior.

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