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What's the Matter? Afraid?

2nd of March 2018

I won't write about the Florida shooting that took place a couple weeks ago, but I will talk about the aftermath and response or lack there of.

I won't write about the shooting because if anyone is anything but devastated by the shooting, and other shootings that have happened for that matter, then maybe they should have a psych evaluation. Anytime someone decides to take so many lives like these shootings should be condemned. Action should be taken. The action that's been taking so far: 1) thoughts and prayers, 2) change profile pic to commemorate, 3) argue on social media about gun control and gun rights, 4) piss and moan about how AR doesn't mean assault rifle and 5) which would have better results, organize protests, walks, rallies and other ways of getting the elected officials to listen. Some companies have even pulled discounts for the NRA (I'll get to this in a bit). Some stores have restricted gun sales on their own accord (another thing I'll get to in a bit after the first bit).

Obviously, 1 - 4 don't do anything to help. The last one has been met with people insulting the protests. Many comments refer to the protesters not having jobs or lives. A lot of people criticize the protesters for trying to take away the guns and their gun rights. One group included in these protests are high school kids. These young adults (I don't consider them kids) are met with criticisms like "you should be in school," "your generation eats tide pods," or "you're just trying to get out of school." I'm inclined to believe the last one because why would they want to go to school fearing for their lives everyday. One fact both sides agree on is that a shooting can happen anywhere. So these students are supposed to go into a place that they don't feel safe at and try to learn? I can't believe the close mindedness behind this. I can't think of anyone that doesn't wear a badge or operate a fire hose or take the injured to the hospital (if I missed one, you get the point) that would willingly go into a danger zone. I hear all of these people saying "Oh, if I was there, I would get my gun and fire away. Not on my watch." I call bullshit. We live in a society that would pull out his or her phone and record it to post on social media later. Hell, people go outside for tornadoes when they should seek shelter.

How dare people criticize these young adults for standing up for themselves saying that shootings at schools shouldn't happen. How dare they try to hold these young adults down from having a voice in society to make life better. How dare they do nothing to make schools safer so the young adults can go to school to learn and not have the fear of guns lingering in his or her mind. These "kids," as they like to call them, do have a voice, and we should not silence them. They are the future of this country, and they should have a say in what is left for them from us. We should leave them something better that not only they can maintain, but something they can make better. We should challenge them to make it better because things can always be better. What kills me the most is some companies decided to pull discounts for the NRA and it's members. Boy, did that piss them off. My question is what makes them so special to get special discounts to begin with? They act like they're an oppressed minority, which they're not. Some stores even put restrictions on who buys guns from them. Again, this pissed off gun owners and the NRA. I guess the "stores choosing who they sell to" argument only works in the case of a gay couple wanting to get married. The difference is one case involves discrimination while hiding behind religion, but that's another article. What can I say? We live in a society that wants to make up the rules as they go along. While people discourage the young to speak up, I applaud them. I ENCOURAGE them to speak up. I may be old, but I've learned a thing or two or three from people younger than me. We learn from each other, so we should work together to help everyone feel safe and succeed in this non-forgiving world. In fact, not only do I encourage you, I salute you!

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