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What Happened to Our Priorities?!

Trash Bags by the Des Moines River at Water Works Park

15th of January 2018

I was getting ready to go to work when I came across something on Facebook. It's a reminder not to eat detergent pods. I constantly come across many tweets the "president" has sent out for the world to read. I also hear what he says on the news.

One time, while I was walking along the Des Moines River, I see that someone has unloaded their trash along the banks instead of putting it in a dumpster. If there's one thing I hate, it's littering and downright pollution. I canoe in these waters. Hell, I DRINK this water. This is our water source. Yet someone decided to throw their trash full of who knows what into our water source. So why am I griping? What's the deal, Michael? I know you're asking that. My point is asked in the form of a question. What happened to our priorities? It's in the title. It should be obvious what I want to get out of this. It seems people want to hold others back in one way or another in order for them to get ahead of their situation. What people don't realize is we would get further if we worked together. We don't need to work against each other. Throwing trash into our water source costs everyone. The Water Works has to filter and clean the water, and that adds up. That goes into our water bill. As far as the "president," I could care less what he has to say. It's time for him to go. It's been time for a while now. However, politicians have their priorities set, and we the people are not one of them. Their priorities are the ones who are giving them money to take ours. Eating detergent pods? Really? Why did someone think that was a good idea?! Who skipped kindergarten? I don't get how this became a problem. Part of me says let natural selection do it's duty. The other part says these people should know that they have better things to do.

I worry about this world. I really do. I don't see the compassion that I was taught to have growing up. Everyone wants to blast everyone else. Why can't we just accept each other for who we are? I stay indoors because people are so weird and hard to deal with anymore. Why is everyone so hell bent on pissing everyone else off? Can't we just go and have a drink somewhere and shoot the shit?

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