5th of December 2017
Hopefully, you can read the left there. If not, I pretty much told Joni Ernst to fuck off and called her a pig. I'll tell you why I called her a pig in a bit. You can see Mr. Joseph Robinson reply with "Irony in your statement, coming from a fat middle aged dude (insert emoji)." I wasn't hurt by that to be honest. It's douche bags like him that make me work harder in the gym. This is what kills me. He looks at my Facebook profile and makes false assumptions. Am I middle aged? Yes. Am I fat? Yes. However, I don't chow down the fatty foods like I used to in the past, and I haven't for about a year. I don't sit on the couch as much as I used and watch television. I'm up and at them getting shit done like a boss. I'm not losing weight right now because of my thyroid. I know people will say that I'm using that as an excuse, but I have the pictures of me dripping sweat to prove I'm busting my ass in the gym hard fuckin' core. I have to let my gym clothes dry out before I put them in the dirty pile so mold doesn't grow on them. In fact, they're so soaked, I have to ring them out before I put them in my bag. Next time, I'll be sure to take a video on how much sweat I ring out of my clothes. I've dripped puddles in the lobby before. Point blank, I bust my ass in the gym, so his assumption that I'm just a fat fuck that sits around eating a large meat lovers pizza would be wrong. Horribly wrong.
Why did I call Joni Ernst a pig? Because she ran on the campaign promise that she would make Washington DC squeal like a pig. It's my belief that Washington DC has made HER squeal like a pig instead. She has not voted the way Iowans have wanted her to but rather her fellow Republican Party members. Of course, nowadays, I don't know what the agenda of Republicans or Democrats are. Republicans have voted in candidates who have a long list of allegations against them. Sure, they're accusations, but that's all Hillary Clinton had against her: accusations. And her accusations were about emails and not hurting people. Republicans have many accusations of rape and other sexual abuse crimes against them. Even pedophilia. However, voters don't seem to mind as that accused pedophile is leading in the polls. That sickens me. So what exactly is the GOP agenda? Please, someone tell me. Democrats have their fair share of accusations as well. I'm confused by their agenda as well. I'm a registered independent for this reason: neither party has their shit together. It's not a cop out to be independent. If being independent was a cop out, perhaps the USA should beg for Great Britain's forgiveness.
So back to Joseph Robinson's comment, yes, I'm fat. Yes, I'm middle age. However, I see a doctor for my thyroid, and I haven't been able to get it under control. It's frustrating to go to the gym and not see results from busting my ass so hard. My thyroid has been an issue since I was a teenager. It happens to people, and society calls bullshit. I have no idea why because it's been proven by people with the initials MD at the end of their names. Whatever their stupid reason for not believing science (which I will get to in a bit), I will still bust my ass at the gym. Not for them, but for me. Now onto another reason people suck. They don't believe the facts that have been proven time after time after time. I swear there's people that still think that the Earth is flat, or that the Sun revolves around the Earth. They still think vaccines make everyone sick even though that's been debunked. They still say climate change doesn't exist even though it's been shown time again and again and again. People only believe what they want to believe. It's sad, and there's a long list of people who are in for a rude awakening and a lot of "I told you so's."
Also, is it too much effort to be nice to everyone?! I don't think everyone has an opinion. I think people have an agenda to be superior and let everyone know it. Nobody talks to learn about one another any more. They talk to be heard and let everyone know that he or she is right. They will never admit that they're wrong.
I know this comes off as negative, but I won't be demeaned by anyone because they're ignorant. I will stand up for myself, and I will stand up for others as well. It's wrong to judge people, but we still do it. Notice that I said we. I do it, too. I just try to keep my mouth shut. However, it doesn't always work.