Stop Bashing Today's Music!

21st of August 2017
Ok, I get it. A lot of people do not like today's music. There isn't a lot that I like nowadays as well. I can't stand Nickelback, Shinedown or Justin Beiber. However, I don't feel the need to bring the music down all the time. I hear it from people around my age saying how the music sucks nowadays. Everywhere I go, I hear people my age totally bringing down the music of today calling it weak, unoriginal and thoughtless. Yesterday, while I was waiting (20 extra minutes meaning she was late) for Tiffany to get on stage at the Iowa State Fair, the guy who introduced her totally bagged on the music of today calling it crap. Do these people realize how old they sound?! I heard all of this from people about the music I liked growing up. When does it end?! We're not going to like every musician growing up. I don't expect people to stay quiet about it, but let's keep it to a minimum. Music is supposed to unite us, not separate us. There's plenty to divide us already. There's politics that divides us because nobody wants to compromise. Everyone has to get his or her way. There's race, and I don't know why people let race divide us. I can't understand that for any reason. The same with gender. Sports divide us. Sports was supposed to bring people together, but then, money got involved. It wasn't just money, but pride and egos got in the way, too. In social gatherings, there's always music. It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but somebody is drinking the tea. Don't be the one trying to change the flavor by pissing in it. Let people enjoy the music of their choice. We start to sound old, bitter, out of touch and just plain rotten when we try to force feed others what music should be. The best part of music is there really is no set way to do things. It gives us a chance to be creative, and it gives the listener the chance to feel something.