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Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers with Joe Walsh Opening

14th of June 2017

Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers was the second concert I went to, so when I heard they were coming back, this time with Joe Walsh, I knew I had to go. My friend bought the tickets, and we were set to go. We sat in the 200's section, and I still didn't mind the seats. There was a drastic difference between the crowd at this concert than the one at the Chili Peppers concert. At Petty, they were older, and they sat down more. Oh, and the people behind me insisted on yapping their traps the entire time. Stuff like "Play some older songs!" Or keep singing after the song is done playing. I hope they don't expect a cut of the ticket sales. Joe Walsh was awesome. My friend didn't like him so much, but I thought he was awesome. I was really looking forward to seeing him play because I've always liked his music no matter which band he was in. He showed off his guitar skills mostly, and that was a treat for me. It makes me want to pick up one of the two that I own but haven't learned yet. Some day though.

When Joe Walsh was done, I went to pee. The line was so long that I almost missed Tom Petty coming on stage. It must be the older crowd thing. At this point, I realized how much people really suck. A guy cut in front of me so he could stand behind someone else using the urinal. I refuse to stand behind someone pissing, and I don't want anyone standing behind me. I can do this on my own. Give some space.

When Tom Petty came on, he had the crowd in the palm of his hand. He still has the thin blond hair, and he even sported a beard. He's been known to sport a beard from time to time. He started with some older songs and then broke out some newer material. He did an acoustic version of Learning to Fly, which disappointed me. The last time I saw him, he did it the normal way. The show was great, and if you get a chance to see Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers, go for it. You'll have a great time, and you'll hear some great music from one of the greats.

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