Bubble Run & Mother's Day Run 2017

15th of May 2017
This was the weekend where I booked 2 runs, and I survived. Next time, I will hold true to not working so much when I have runs scheduled. I made it, and I got a good work out in. The weather helped as well. It was a glorious weekend to have a run or walk outside. I walked most of the course, but I did run in the Bubble Run just to beat a couple of strollers into the bogs. It's not as bad as it sounds. When strollers go into the bogs (bubble machines), they go in with caution, as they should. I ran to get ahead of them so I wouldn't run into them inside the bubbles. I don't want to hurt anyone.
The worst part about the run is packet pick-up. I had to go to a place in Altoona to pick up my packet while the run itself took place at the Iowa State Capitol. Not only that, but the time of the pick-up was while I was at work. They would let friends pick up for other friends, but I couldn't get anyone to do it for me (I might need better friends, hahahaha). They did allow run day pick-up, but they charged $5 for it. That to me seems unfair. We already paid a shite ton of money to enter the race, and now, they want us to pay more money because we didn't pick up our packets when they wanted us to? Make it more convenient for US then, not you. Rant over. Over all, the Bubble Run was fun. I might do it again next year, or I might not. I'm thinking of doing something different with runs. I have to test it first. Here's a video of the Bubble Run:
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The Mother's Day Run is another new one for me, and it didn't go the way I wanted. This run gave out roses to every participant in the run. Mothers got one, and sons and daughters got one to give to their mothers. My plan was to take my rose up to my mother's grave site in Sioux City. However, that didn't happen because many things happened at work. I was hoping to do it on Saturday, but the rose isn't going to last until then. I'll make it up there sometime in the next couple of weeks. Next year, I'll do more to make it on the same day. I need to hold myself to be able to say no.
Back to the Run, this Run was what I expected it to be, which was mostly people walking. It was a great chance to get outside and take a nice stroll, be it walking or running, around the town. I believe this is the first year for this run, and it's one I'd like to see continue on. I like the premise behind it. I like the handing out roses and involving the whole family. This is definitely one I will do again regardless if I do Virtual Runs or not. Here's a little video of the finish of the Mother's Day Run 2017: