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I'm SO 80s

10th of January 2017

Yes, that's right. Anyone who knows me realizes that I'm stuck in the 80s. It was a simpler time for me. I had a family that loved me. I had a routine down. School during the week. Spend time with the family on Saturdays by cleaning up around the house. Go to church (actual church, not the bar as I refer to it now) on Sundays and spend more time with the family that doesn't involve cleaning up around the house. During the summer, we would add baseball for me and my brother, and a few years, my sister played softball. We were busy and spending time with each other. I loved the music that was on the radio, MTV (yes, MTV played music).

I loved the hair bands (I guess that's what we call them now). Poison, Motley Crue, Def Leppard, Cinderella just to name a few. I wouldn't like Guns N' Roses until the Use Your Illusion albums. Don't ask me why. I think it was Axl's voice. It was an acquired taste for me.

Wrestling was at an all-time high (at the time. It would peak higher later on). Hulk Hogan is the main reason for it, but he did it with the help of who he worked with as well. Macho Man Randy Savage, Andre the Giant, Earthquake just to name a few. It wasn't just Hogan that was a household name. I know people are reading this and wondering "what about the Ultimate Warrior?" I didn't forget about him. I try to stay away from him because with the Warrior, either you loved him or hated him according to the staunch wrestling fan. I didn't hate him, but I didn't love him. However, the staunch fan will try to make me choose. I was always a Hogan guy. I knew he would lose at Wrestlemania VI. I didn't like it either. However, Hogan and Warrior wouldn't meet until the 90s, and this is about the 80s. There's no denying what the Ultimate Warrior did for wrestling during the 80s though.

Sports was the best as well. The Chicago Cubs didn't win the World Series, but they came close to making it to the World Series in 1989. Those pesky Giants. The Cubs had a lot of players on that team that went through Iowa first. They got their start playing for the Iowa Cubs. I started to love baseball a lot during the 80s. There was so much to root for. If the Cubs didn't make the World Series, I could easily pick who I wanted to win. Nowadays, it takes me longer. I rooted for the A's in '89. I rooted for the Red Sox in '86. Of course, my pastor's brother played for the Red Sox, so that was easy. Too bad they lost. I also liked Bo Jackson. I thought it was interesting that he played baseball AND football. That's a full schedule. He wasn't the only one (Deion Sanders), but he was the first name I heard doing it. They both had good success, and there hasn't been another player who has done both. I think it's because be it baseball or football, one team wants the player to make a choice.

The movies were awesome. I could list a lot of them, but I won't do that. The movies today are referenced a lot nowadays in pop culture. Maybe that just goes with the times, but it's nice to still see them recognized. The 80s had two great trilogies in it being the first Star Wars Trilogy and the Back to the Future Trilogy. I like Back to the Future the best because George Lucas had to change Star Wars every time he touched it. In Back to the Future, it's fun to see how much things change over time. Or how something changes if a certain event happens that could change the course of time. That, and Lea Thompson is really hot. Notice the IS in that sentence. I watched a lot of her movies in the 80s. Howard the Duck is another one that I liked, but no one else seemed to like it. I thought it was poultry emotion. Pun intended. I saw her in Space Camp, and while it wasn't my favorite, I still liked it. When she played a villian in The Beverly Hillbillies in the 90s, I damn near cried. I'm still trying to find Casual Sex? on DVD, but I'm not having any luck. That's got to be in my collection. Most of my movie collection is from the 80s or 90s. I can't help but wonder if people were thinking like this before me. I just wonder if this is me getting old. I don't know where the kids get their music or anything from. I know where I got mine from. Everytime I get on Facebook, I see the memes that say "this is how we did it in our day" type of thing. I'm stuck in the 80s because it was a great time for me. I was young and dumb and in trouble a lot. The best thing about it? None of it is on tape.

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