I Should Have Biked to Work Sooner

13th of October 2016
Biking to work this week was one of the more relaxing things I've done in a while. I knew driving was very stressful, but I didn't realize how stressful it was until I biked to work. I rode my bike instead of driving because the parking lot at work was being redone with new asphalt and stripes for people not to park in between. I got the best parking in house. Literally, in house. It sat in my cubicle.
I've never biked to work before because I was worried about all the careless drivers who pay more attention to their phones and everything but the road. I came up with a route that should suit me fine, and during the times I can bike, I'm definitely biking to work. The benefits definitely outweigh the reasons to drive.
Since lots of people drive, the trails are a lot less congested, and the people that take the trails are considerate of others. There's a reason for the term road rage, and you've never heard of trail rage. I used to be that driver who wondered why people on bikes are on the road. In a way, I still wonder, but I only wonder that since the roads are so dangerous. It's not a "share the road" thing. It's a "pay attention to the road" thing. Drivers are more distracted than ever on the road, and the courts fail to hold the offenders accountable. With plea deals or lack of conviction, this problem won't solve itself. That's why I'm not against speed cameras. They can pick up these types of incidents. That's not to say that cyclists are the most responsible. Trust me. I know they're not. I've seen some cut through lanes with no regard for their safety or the safety of others. I've seen other dumb things as well. However, in a collision, a car will win every time. Even smart cars. That's why drivers should be paying more attention.
On the ride, I didn't have to watch out for other people as much as on the road. On the road, I count on people doing the dumbest things, and they usually don't let me down. I still have to watch for people on the trails, but for the most part, people are considerate and attentive. The ones that aren't, I find it easier to just go around them. It's harder to do in a car.
Since I don't have to think for other people as much while biking, I can think about other things. What should I do on vacation in 5 months? When will I see results in my energy level? When will I achieve my personal goals for my health? When this, when that? So much to think of without the interruption of "Hey, asshole! Your light is red!"
I really got lucky buying a house so close to bike trails. I hope to use it more next season. Confluence Brewery is along one of those trails, and so is Madhouse. Awesome!