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Zombies & Clowns

12th of October 2016

Many different crazes come out as we go through life. There was the hippy craze in the 60's and 80's. Grunge took over the 90's. Disco ran the 70's and snuck its way back at the start of the new millennium. In the 2010's, zombies started it out. Now, clowns are starting to surface. The only difference between the 2 is that zombies haven't been suspected of creeping people out. Clowns have made the news by having a creepy appearance and in some cases, acting stalkerish. Zombies aren't real at least that we know of (look at Capitol Hill). However, clowns, which are supposed to bring smiles to the faces of kids, are starting to have creepy appearances and do creepy stuff. I get the zombie craze. I understand wanting to step outside of reality. The concept of zombies is quite fascinating to me. They are meant to be scary. Clowns are invited to kids' birthday parties and other functions. Now because some people have it out for whoever, clowns are being looked at as evil. I get the whole It movie. I get it. What I don't get is the urge for people to turn something good into something bad. Even Stephen King said to knock it off.

I admit that if I get a foul ball at a baseball game (which has yet to happen), I would not give it to a kid unless he or she was my kid (no kids). It's the whole "participation trophy" reasoning. If the kid wants the foul ball, that kid should work to get it. However, if that kid gets it, I won't take it from them. People dressing up as these clowns are doing just that. They are taking fun things away from kids. I realize that a lot of people are afraid of clowns. This isn't helping. I'm not against people dressing up as clowns, but when they have ill intentions, that's a problem.

I love zombies. I love watching The Walking Dead. I know the show refers to them as walkers, but they're still zombies. In Des Moines, a Zombie Walk takes place, and I decided to watch it. It was quite a time. I saw some people I knew, and the costumes were great. I love going to these events with costumes. I just find it odd and appalling that something that was meant to be scary is more trusted right now than something that was meant to be fun. People need to stop taking the fun out of everything.

In the meantime, Happy Halloween and be safe. Make it fun for everyone.

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