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Dancing in the Moonlight While Mooning the Drivers Going By

12th of October 2016

I don't know what I mean with that title. It just came to mind. Weird shit comes up in my head many times during an hour in the day. I swear I'm high all the time, but I don't take anything. I think it all comes from some of the products approved by the FDA. Nothing is natural any more, not even natural selection. It seems that people have developed a belief that he or she is entitled to determine who lives or dies and when. I don't agree with that one bit. I'm not pro death penalty, but I'm not really against it either. Let's face it. There are situations where someone needs to die. Those situations are very rare. Nowadays, it seems that some police officers feel that the badge gives them permission to kill. On the other side of the coin, some citizens feel that killing other police officers is a way to get back at the police officers that did the killings. Let's get one thing straight. There is a police brutality problem. There is a race problem. While the officers involved in these shootings in the news can be proven racist or not, I do believe they are profiling the victims of these shootings. I do believe they are profiling them racially as well. I believe that it is wrong to do that. Going to the other side of the coin, there are good police men and women out there in the world. I believe there are police men and women who want everyone to live safely and freely. I also believe they are the victims of the bad police men and women. Let's get one more thing straight. There is a difference in being against the police and wanting to hold those accountable for wrong doings such as excessive force. I don't hold anything against the police, just the officers using excessive force and shooting unarmed men or women. Unfortunately, we don't know who those are until these incidents happen.

I hear a lot of blame being placed on the media. The outcry for the media to be fair is loud, and it's an unfair assessment. These incidents are happening every day, it seems like. People throw out stats that more whites are killed by cops than blacks. Number wise, that's correct. But once that number becomes a ratio, I believe it's something to worry about. Not only that, but the events that transpire are causes to worry. Unarmed men being shot. One armed man was shot, but he let the officer know that he had a permit to carry. He was even going to give the officer the gun. He still got killed.

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