It's Not Fall: It's Camping Season
13th of September 2016
Camping can be relaxing especially nowadays with the many new distractions in everyday life. Cell phones, iPads, the latest fad, the list goes on and on. I use my cell phone more than I'd like. For my last camping trip, I used it more for the camera feature. It comes in handy, but if there was one piece of technology I would like to do without, it's definitely the cell phone. The problem is that today's society can't do without it. Has technology gone too far? Not just cell phones, but video games, FitBits, again, the list goes on and on.
Just this morning getting ready to leave for work, I noticed I forgot it. I went back in the house to get it. I really don't need it. There's a phone for me at work. The internet is available for me to use. The building has plenty of clocks around for the time. I don't need to take pictures at work everyday. I can and have gone a day without my cell phone. Why did I need to go back inside and get it? Is it an obsession? I don't think it is. I don't text and drive because I see the dangers in it not by the stories we air at work, but I see it on the road. I see people swerving others not paying attention. I see close calls on the road all the time as I'm sure you do, too.
When camping, I felt bad using my phone for a camera. However, it was handy. It was easy to post to my Facebook. I only used it as a camera, and in doing such, I realized how much I was really missing in the world. When I'm at home, I don't have Internet except on my phone. So I'm constantly on it. I realized I need to find other activities than being on my phone. I never was that bad, but I do feel that I'm missing out. I feel like I need to post more pics of fun stuff I'm doing rather than looking at them. Most of my friends list is of old acquaintances that I got back in contact with. I'm fine with that. I like seeing some of the stuff that they're doing. It gives me ideas.
Camping also means cleaning a lot less, however, IT DOES NOT MEAN LITTERING! A big pet peeve of mine is littering. It doesn't take much to pick up after yourself. At Lake of Three Fires, some people left small fish on the ground around the lake. Disgusting. I always hear people say "God bless America" or "America the Beautiful," and I'm thinking not so much. Quit littering, and it will be beautiful. If there is a god, then I guess he HAS to bless America since the people that live in America don't.
When camping, many people who don't like camping think "what is there to do?" Plenty. Play games if there's a big gathering. Walk around the woods. Be careful for poison ivy and other things. And don't forget the bug spray. Most trails are just loops, so unless you go off them, you won't get lost. Most campsites are around lakes, so fishing is an option. Beaches are close by as well, but you swim at your own risk. Oh, and beach volleyball anyone? Get out and enjoy yourself!
And when the sun sets, start a fire and get to roasting hot dogs and marshmallows. A campfire is very relaxing. Watching the fire dance the night away, hearing the crackling of the burning wood, the warmth of the heat, this cannot be beat.