No More Violence!
12th of July 2016
I've been troubled by the numerous violent acts taking place around the world. The Orlando shootings, the incident in Turkey, suicide attackers in Saudi Arabia just to name a few. To be honest, nobody knows a solution because nobody knows the true problem. However, I will try to bring a theory to light.
While it's true that there are two sides to every story, I don't think there are two sides fighting in this conflict. There are multiple sides, and neither of them have any interest of helping another team. Neither team knows the reason why they're mad at another team, and neither team has any interest to know why the other teams are mad at them. It's an endless cycle. Some teams may form alliances, but they don't last long.
If we really want to fix these problems we have today, we need to listen more. Just hear what everyone has to say. We don't have to agree with everyone about everything, but we definitely don't need to fight over every little thing.
This country was started by a war, and it lives off of wars. Every team tries to pit another team against another. The race wars, the class wars, this war, that war. It never stops because there's always some people who get violent. Don't get me wrong. We have the right and duty to defend ourselves. We shouldn't let people try to kill us. However, when did we last see anyone trying to extend an olive branch while fighting? It never happens except in the comics. I just see lots of violent tempers and violent intent.