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Time's A Wastin'

29th of November 2015

I hear the saying all the time: good things come for those who wait. My level of patience would lead some to think that I never believed this saying. Patience has never been a strength of mine, but looking at this past Black Friday, I'd like to think I'm not the worst. Maybe I am, and maybe I'm not. However, I can only change myself.

I'm at an age where I just don't have time for a lot. I go to work for around 8 hours, and then I come home to a dog that needs taken out. Right now, I'm looking for a house to buy. Nowadays, I'm thinking time's a wastin'. Timing has a mind of its own though. We get what we get when time dictates. Sometimes, it's too soon. Sometimes, it's too late.

I know that I imagined myself married and with a house already. Neither of those events have happened. I could give you a list of excuses as to why not, but the truth is that it just wasn't meant to happen if it is to happen at all. I don't plan on divorce, and I continue to be mad at my dad for filing for a divorce. It's just something I feel I should be over by now, but I'm not. This happened over ten years ago, and I was a grown adult when it happened. I just know that one of the lines in the vows was "for better and for worse, in sickness and in health 'til death do you part." Regardless, I'm against divorce because I feel a couple should be able to work it out. I believe no argument should get violent, and neither party should cheat on the other. That's in a perfect world, and I know this isn't a perfect world. However, I think we should strive for a perfect world everyday. I may be just preaching, but I think we all can get along with acceptance and understanding.

I know, I know. I'm dreaming of a perfect scenario. As far as the house, I can't really get much for a house because my student loans are hurting my debt to income ratio. Not only the loans, but businesses do not want to pay their employees a lot. It's quite a mess. It's an endless cycle, and nothing seems to be getting better. And still, time's a wastin'.

So what can we do to make things better? This society needs more acceptance in the sense that not everyone will agree. We need to accept that we can agree to disagree. I do it with my friends all the time. We don't know when or how we are going to die. My biggest fear is leaving this world and not making peace with those that really had an impact on my life. So far, so good. However, there may still be some out there.

I just look at things nowadays: newspapers, television, the social media, etc. It doesn't sound like anyone is happy. I think this could be a happier society if we just grew more acceptance and understanding. Everyone is offended by something. I posted something about what women say that annoy men. One woman got so offended, she blocked me. Other women laughed their asses off. I see posts about how clueless men are and whatnot. I just move along about my business. There's enough in this world to make me go insane. I don't have time to be offended and hurt. Time's a wastin'.

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