I've lost that holiday feeling
4th of May 2015
Is there any meaning to holidays anymore? Can someone just randomly make up a holiday? This month is Paint your asscrack month. Tomorrow, we celebrate the first trekkie losing his or her virginity. Obviously, I'm being sarcastic with those holidays (at least I hope I am), but there are some ridiculous holidays out there. This article is being written on Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you is the saying for it).
I don't mind holidays so much, but when they're crammed down our throats, let off a little, will you? Maybe I'm part of the problem since in my life, there are no holidays. I work everyday regardless if it's a holiday.
Labor Day is the biggest scam of a holiday. I know a lot of people who celebrate it by working it. Sure, we get time and a half, but our bosses spend it at home. So the meaning behind Labor Day is redundant. I realize there are some jobs that need people to work them, but do the same people have to do it year after year?
The main reason I feel that holidays have no meaning anymore is because we don't worry about who we are spending the holiday with. Not only that, but there's a holiday for everything. The federal government makes a holiday just to get another day off. So when that happens, the banks take the day off, too. Then, the higher management or decision makers take it off, too. It's an endless cycle.
Then, there's the holidays such as Bosses Day. There's also Secretary's Day. What are we supposed to do on these days? For my boss, I feel showing up to work and doing my best is enough. On Bosses day, I just don't ask for a raise. Secretary's Day, well, we don't call them secretaries anymore. They're executive assistants (PC topic is another topic for another day). Anyways, I don't have either of them, so I lucked out on that one. Some people are in a profession that doesn't even have a day. Like me.
When I did like the holidays, everyone always put a damper on it. It was always "remember those that don't have what you have." First off, it's not my fault that some people don't have what I have or I don't have what others have. What matters is that I do have it, and I'm using it to benefit myself, which, in turn, will benefit society. I didn't have help getting what I have today from anyone except one person, who has since passed on: my mother. I've given her help as well.
Second, everyone has his or her own way to celebrate a holiday. Pissing on another's way seems to be the way everyone does it nowadays. Don't rain on people's parades. Just let them celebrate it however they want. As long as they aren't hurting anyone, it shouldn't matter.
Third, religion really ruins it for me. Why, you ask? Religion is the main cause of stereotype (I'll leave it at that to stay on topic).
In closing, it seems that most holidays are an excuse for the higher ups to get some time off. Some holidays I understand why we have them. Memorial Day and Veterans Day make sense to me. Why do the higher ups who haven't served get those days off? If it falls on their normal day off, I can understand that. However, most of these holidays only tell me that they're about making money and getting more days off for the higher ups.