It's only Rock N Roll, but I live it
22nd of April 2015
I was asked today if I could travel time, what concert would I like to see in their prime. That was a hard one for me to answer. I love all kinds of music. I even have a heart for country. I only say that because most of my friends despise country. However, they love Johnny Cash. I don't get it.
There isn't one band I can stop at. I would make many trips back in time. This question was a tricky one to answer, but my answer was Wilson Pickett. I loved Wilson Pickett. He brought soul, blues and rock n' roll all in one. I know some may not know Wilson Pickett. SHAME ON YOU!! My mother always had the oldies station on when she was driving us to places. I would light up when "Mustang Sally" came on. I went biserk when "In The Midnight Hour" would come on. I'm not sure what it was either. Maybe it was his voice. While it had a rasp in it, he still used it with power. And the words he sang grabbed your attention by the nuts. He's one of a few I never heard anything live out of. However, I do remember when I got older, The House Of Blues radio show hosted by Elwood Blues had a tribute show to him. I was in heaven.
So what's this post about? My problem is how do we define Rock N' Roll today? To me, the phrase "Rock N' Roll" is dead, but not the music. Nobody has said it in a long time. Rock N' Roll was about rebellion and getting your voice heard. Rock N' Roll was loud and accepting to everyone in it. Don't lose me here. I'm saying that those that loved Rock N' Roll and were apart of it, be it in a band or touring with performers, or a fan, we accepted everyone for who they were. Those that despised Rock N' Roll made sure you knew that they didn't like it. To them, it was too sexual. It was too loud. Nobody should talk about those kinds of things. That's what they were and to some extent, are still saying about Rock N' Roll.
To me, Rock N' Roll was about having a good time. Nowadays, it has to have some bullshit meaning to it. To each, their own, but if I want to hear a sermon, I'll go to church. I want to get away from everyday life when I'm at a show or popping in a CD (I'm probably the only one that still does that).
So what is Rock N' Roll today? I've seen it become more and more political. In a way, it's always been political. There's numerous songs about the Vietnam War. There's numerous songs about how the government treats veterans. There's numerous patriotic songs. Nothing wrong with that. Rock N' Roll has always been about expressing opinions as well. Does it really reach the people though? I would have to say no because the poll numbers are still drastically low. That's not Rock N' Roll's fault. That's the government's fault, but as I say in other articles, that's another article for another day.
Rock N' Roll is really about release of negative energy. That's what it is to me. When I would hear Wilson Pickett as a young boy, I didn't know what I was hearing as far as the words. I just knew at some points, he was screaming. How many times did I want to scream when I was young? Well, when Wilson Pickett was on, it gave me a reason to without getting in trouble. My mother never scolded me for it unless I did it too loud. No matter if I like some of today's music or not, it's about release as well. The musicians of today have their own concerns in life, and so do the fans. We did in the 80s (when I grew up). If you don't know me that well, I'm totally an 80s child. Born in the 70s, raised in the 80s. My mother loved the music of the 50s and 60s, and so do I. I loved the 80s as well. She didn't . It's always going to be a generation thing. New problems arise, and being a teen in the 80s and 90s isn't the same as today. Today, it's actually cool to be a nerd.
So is Rock N' Roll still good? That's a stupid question. Of course, it is. It's evolved like everything else in life does. If it didn't, then it would be dead. However, I think Rock N' Roll goes by a different name. What's that name? I wouldn't know. I still call the Iowa Cubs ballpark Sec Taylor Stadium (now Principal Park). Some things just won't change with me.