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How the Internet Killed the World

30th of March 2015

No matter what topic anybody brings up, somehow the Internet gets brought into the conversation. The Internet started to get stronger in the mid 90s. However, at the turn of the century, BOOM!

Nowadays, the Internet is only a phonecall away. People have it on their phones, iPads, everything they carry. I can't go to a restaurant and NOT find someone who is on his or her phone. Not only a restaurant, but any public place. Remember the days when you could watch a movie without any interruptions? The most I remember having to suffer through was the moaning of the couple behind me making out. Now if that happens, someone is recording it on their device (be it a phone or iPad) and will post it soon afterwards. The internet took away any privacy that the USA says we're entitled to have.

Some might say that people shouldn't be making out in a theater, and they might have a point. However, what gives someone else the right to film it and post it online just to embarrass others? If there's a crime taking place, I can understand that. However, they're using their phone to record it. Why didn't they just call the police instead? We haven't used the Internet for good as much as we have for bad. Cyberbullying is a household term that's not taken seriously enough. Lots of suicides that could be avoided, but we turn our heads to such topics just to hear what the Kardashians are doing.

Not only has it caused many problems with bullying, but in conjunction with the bullying, it also gives people balls that they don't normally have in real life. Everyone has become an expert at everything, all of the sudden. I understand if someone has been through the same thing I may be going through, but the fact is, we all go through it differently.

I also find that everyone has an opinion about something. Maybe I'm treading on thin ice here, since that's basically what I'm doing right now, but I have yet to call anyone names.

I'm glad people have interests in things, but they act like they know what's best for everything. When I watched Sons of Anarchy, it was always "Well, this is what Kurt Sutter should have done (actually, they would have said should of, but that's another part that I'll get to later)" thinking that they have a say in how the show is written. It's the same with any wrestling organization. Why do I read those comments, you ask? I'm looking for that rare comment that actually has some sort of insight that I might have missed or not thought about. That's what the Internet serves it's purpose for me. People use it to make up facts, and make themselves sound smart.

It's not the fault of the Internet as to a senseless society. The Internet is not a living being. It's us that use it for the wrong reasons. The wrong reasons being to hurt others whether it's direct bullying or indirect bullying such as belittling others for a difference in opinion. It's on the roads with people texting and driving or even checking their facebook and what-not. The Internet can be fun, but if some see making people miserable as his or her way of fun, they need to not use it.

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