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My One & Only Political Post This Year

11th of October 2016

I've said in previous articles that I don't like to talk about politics. However, a lot of corruption, hatred and mudslinging is getting out of hand. First, let me say that I don't support Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. I've already voted, and it wasn't for either of them or even Gary Johnson or Jill Stein. I won't say who I voted for, but you know who I didn't. That should be enough.

I couldn't get behind Hillary, not because I don't like her. It's because Congress does not, and they're the ones that are supposed to do the most. The President is merely an ornament position for the country. They represent us in all aspects. I'll get to more of this later. Since Congress doesn't like her, nothing will get done but another 4 years of blaming the President. President Obama was a good president. He had his faults, but overall, I think he did well. He was attacked the entire time he was President. I think the same thing would happen to Hillary. While I don't think she would make a bad President, she sure has a lot of luggage. A lot of it is unproven accusations, and I don't want to spend 4 years of hearing about it. We have big problems in this country that need to be fixed. She at least wants to fix healthcare. Republicans want nothing to do with it. Trump, oh where do I start? I'm going to try to put this in a way where I don't insult the man not because he doesn't deserve it, but because I'm better than that. Trump is dangerous to this country. He is so full of hate that he hates everything good. I see nothing good about this man. What kills me the most is NOW Republicans are distancing themselves from him pulling endorsements and bashing him any chance they get. This happened after the audio came out of his disgusting locker room banter. NOW? You're pulling away NOW?! I won't hold against him what he said over 10 years ago. I'll hold against him what he's said recently, which is the same. This man has NOT changed since then. Listen to him in the media. His comments are disgusting and hateful. This country needs unity, and Trump will only separate it. He already has in fact. Also, our children should NOT be looking up to this man. The fact that people still stand behind this man is a mystery to me. I hear it's because "he says what we feel." If that's how people think and/or feel, they should please shut the hell up. Gary Johnson doesn't have a clue what the job entitles. He's probably a good governor and knows what's going on in New Mexico, but the President needs to know what's going on around the world. In numerous interviews, he has proven that he knows nothing about anything outside of the United States.

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