Celebrity Showdown
8th of April 2019 I've been bothered lately by how celebrities are looked at today. If a celebrity does something wrong, he or she...
I Haven't Been in a Snowball Fight Lately
20th of February 2019 I'm not sure what to say because I've just been so busy. Not just work and the gym, but stuff around the house. ...
Annie Remained Strong
21st of January 2019 I got up ready to take on the day, but I had to check on one thing first. I checked a friend's profile to see how...
Annie: Contagious Smile Through Tough Times
9th of January 2019 This is a hard one to write. My longtime childhood friend, Annie, was diagnosed with cancer last year. I don't want...
2018 Goes Down In History
31st of December 2018 It's the day where people shame others for making goals, and I see nothing wrong with trying to be better than the...
Enough With the Body Shaming!
21st of November 2018 If you go to about the minute mark in this video, you'll hear some jerk in the crowd call one of the female...
Stan Lee: Simply MARVELous
13th of November 2018 I'm not the biggest comic book reader anyone has met. However, I do like to watch Superhero movies, cartoons,...
Over The Edge
23rd of October 2018 Since getting out of the hospital, I've been more restless than normal. I can't sit still for longer than 10...
I'm Going Through Changes
23rd of October 2018 I'm not sure what's happened to me ever since I've gotten out of the hospital, but I know I'm a changed man. I...
The Day I Died and Lived to Tell About It
19th of Septmeber 2018 That pic to the left is of me at the gym. That was taken on a day that would change and continues to change my...